Phifer Mosquito Screens from USA is the only product of Mosquito net in the market with the highest quality certifications.Though most of the consumers who are in need for Mosquito net in chennai aren’t aware of the quality requirements of Mosquito nets they are going to put on their doors and windows, one main quality issue is the presence of LEAD.The cheap mosquito nets from China have high presence of lead in them which is a hazardous and banned material all over the world. Particularly if there are children at home they could come in contact with the LEAD present on the Chinese mosquito nets that could have serious health hazards.As the common public in unaware of the health threats of lead, the local installers using cheap Chinese mosquito nets take advantage of them with cheap pricing as this product could not be sold in any other part of the world.
Mosquito Mesh Options:
- Fibre-Glass
- Aluminum
- Stainless Steel
- Bronze
- Petscreen
- Solar Screen.
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